All the Necromunda Starter Boxes – Comprehensive List With Pictures
This page lists all the different Starter Boxes for Necromunda.
Necromunda: Underhive

Deep below the nightmarish, polluted hive cities of Necromunda, in the twisted, dark tunnels of the Underhives, rival gangs fight to the bitter end for personal power, survival and the honour of their Houses. Designed for 2 players, this is a game of tactics, skill and absolute ruthlessness, set on the iconic hive world of Necromunda. Players choose 1 of the 2 included gangs in the box, and fight brutal skirmishes on the game board using everything at their disposal – ducking behind barricades to survive withering hails of gunfire before popping up and shooting back, placing and overriding traps, using the decrepit, crumbling corridors of the Underhives to unleash precise strikes before scurrying back into the dark. Survival in the Underhives is a difficult and desperate business, where violence is often the only option.
Key Features:
A-player skirmish game of tactics, skill and ruthlessness
Contains 2 sets of plastic miniatures – House Goliath and House Escher
9 unique board tiles, plastic scenery and all the rules you need are included
Necromunda: Hive War

Necromunda is a world of mines, factories, refineries, and processing plants. The planet is a vast powerhouse of industry, making thousands and thousands of different items for use throughout nearby planetary systems. In the darkness of the underhive, fights between the clan houses over the limited resources are a way of life for the citizens of Necromunda.
Jump into the world of skirmish wargaming with Necromunda: Hive War. Choose your gang and fight thrilling, fast-paced tactical games set in the darkness of the underhive. This boxed set is perfect for new players and contains all of the rules, models, and accessories that you need to start gaming. As well as two gangs, the box also includes enough terrain to build your own little corner of Necromunda.
The boxed set contains:
20 plastic miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round Necromunda Base:
– 10 Escher gang members
– 10 Delaque gang members
– An array of modular terrain
– Double-sided gaming mat
– All of the dice, tokens, cards, and templates needed to play
Also included is a 104-page softback rulebook containing:
– Background on the planet of Necromunda and its Houses
– The rules for playing games of Necromunda
– Multiple scenarios to play through
– Rules for creating your own gang
– Rules for the weapons and wargear available to gangs
Necromunda: Dark Uprising

Like countless other worlds of the Imperium, Necromunda suffers from the curse of insurrection. Even though the Enforcers stamp out rebellion wherever they find it, there is no shortage of those willing to embrace the malevolent power of the Dark Gods. Now, the Corpse Grinder Cults prepare to launch a full-blown rebellion in the name of Khorne. Can you stop the dark uprising or will you join it?
Jump into the world of skirmish wargaming with Necromunda: Dark Uprising. Choose your gang and fight thrilling, fast-paced tactical games in one-off battles or across epic narrative campaigns where your fighters grow and develop. This boxed set is perfect whether you’re new to the underhive or are a veteran ganger and contains all you need to start gaming. As well as two gangs, the box also contains 17(!) frames of scenery including Zone Mortalis columns, platforms, walls and doors.
The boxed set contains:
26 plastic miniatures, each supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base:
– 15 Corpse Grinder Cultists – Khorne-worshiping cannibals
– 5 Palanite Enforcers – the law on Necromunda
– 6 Palanite Subjugators – heavily armed officers bringing swift justice
– A vast array of modular scenery
– Double-sided play surface
– All of the dice, tokens, cards and templates needed to play
– An Enforcer Patrol transfer sheet
Also included is a 128-page softback rulebook containing:
– Background on the rebellions that bubble under the surface of Necromunda and details of the fall of Hive Arcos
– The rules for playing games of Necromunda
– The Uprising Campaign – a complete narrative campaign featuring the desperate decline of a Hive
– Multiple scenarios that capture the feel of a Hive descending into lawlessness
– Rules for creating your own Enforcer Patrol or Corpse Grinder Cult gang
– Rules for all of the weapons and wargear available to gangs and fighters through their House Equipment lists
– Full list of all of the skills available to fighters
Necromunda: Ash Wastes

Necromunda is a vast planet, dominated by sprawling hive cities. To leave the shelter of the cities is to brave the Ash Wastes – a massive expanse of polluted and desolate dunes inhabited by outcasts, prospectors, and those who have adapted to life in these harsh environments. Gangs are often employed to protect caravans and convoys when commerce between the hive cities is necessary, and the nomads of the wastes prey on them for both sustenance and sport.
In Necromunda, you’ll take control of a vicious gang, building them up from green recruits to hardened veterans as they claw their way to power through bitterly-fought skirmishes with their rivals. Necromunda: Ash Wastes takes the action out of the claustrophobic and dangerous sprawl of the hive cities, and into the agoraphobic and deadly wastelands. This box provides you with two gangs, including mounted units, a set of modular habs, and a gaming mat to fight over, plus the rules and gaming accessories you’ll need to start playing right away. Whether you’re just getting started, or your gang is looking for new growth opportunities, you’ll have everything you need to take the fight into the wastelands.
The boxed set contains:
26 plastic miniatures, each supplied with the appropriate Citadel bases:
– 12 House Orlock models, including two Outrider Quads
– 14 Ash Waste Nomads, including four Dustback Helamites
– An array of modular Ash Wastes terrain including:
- 2x Ash Wastes Hab Building
- 1x Large Platform
- 2x Small Platform
- 5x Walkways
– Double-sided gaming mat
– All of the dice, tokens, cards, and templates needed to play
– Rules for the weapons and fighters included in the box
Also included is a 176-page hardcover Necromunda: Ash Wastes rulebook containing:
– Background on the Great Equatorial Wastes, including its inhabitants and notable locations
– The rules for playing games of Necromunda, including rules for vehicular combat
– Rules for fighting in the Ash Wastes, including unpredictable weather
– Multiple scenarios and a full campaign to play through
– Rules for creating your own gang
Necromunda: Hive Sedundus

Hive Secundus was once Necromunda’s shining jewel.
Until over a century ago, something insidious was discovered lurking at its heart, and it was razed to the ground – the ruins declared quarantine extremis. Now, Tek-hunters, nomads and more risk their lives in search of the untold riches said to be buried in the nightmarish web of tunnels beneath Hive Secundus that are known as the Underhells. But something terrible stands between the wealth of Hive Secundus and those who would dare plunder it.
Hive Secundus is an expansion for Necromunda where players take on the role of a Secundan Incursion Gang – a band of House Van Saar Tek-hunters and their accompanying Spyre Hunters – to delve into the treacherous depths of the ruined hive and face off against the horrors that lie in wait as they search for hidden treasures!
Complete with miniatures, rules, game boards, and everything you need to play, this boxed set offers a thematic, self-contained adventure for players and arbitrators alike.
This box provides you with two gangs, terrain pieces, a gaming mat to fight over, and the rules and accessories you’ll need to start playing immediately.
The boxed set contains:
29x Plastic miniatures, each supplied with the appropriate bases:
– 18x Forces of the Malstrain miniatures, comprised of 6x Malstrain Genestealers, 8x Brood Scum, and 4x Malstrain Tyramites
– 11x Secundan Incursion Gang miniatures, comprised of 2x Orrus Spyre Hunters, 8x Van Saar Tek-hunters, and 1x Caryatid Prime
Also includes:
– 1x Set of Necromunda Bulkhead Terrain
– 1x 176-page softback Necromunda: Hive Secundus Rulebook
– 74x tokens
– 2x double-sided Hive Secundus game mats
– 1x 32mm ruler
– 1x set of blast markers and flame templates
– 2x reference sheets
– 16x Necromunda dice
– 88x cards